The Census Bureau came Today

The Census takers just came to our door a few minutes ago.

I’ve been expecting them, and wondering how this would go, as I’d decided to hold to the letter of the constitution — which requires only that you be counted — basically:  ” How many people are there?  How many live here? “.

Knowing that this year’s Census form has many other questions, covering all sorts of things; from income to race, assets, et cetera, and; having dealt with buearaucrats of all sorts for a lifetime I rather suspected the encounter could be awkward.  Would they insist I had to answer ?  Imply ‘consequences’ if I didn’t ?  ( watch the video at the end of this post )

At my door were two men, dressed casually, with clipboards and wearing their ID badges on lanyards.  They appeared to be in their mid-forties and both smiled as I came outside.  They said they were from the US Census Bureau and I said Hello in a friendly way and that I’d been expecting them.

They smiled and one of them began by asking if this is my permanent residence.  I said Yes, immediately.  He marked his clipboard and went on to begin his next question when I politely interrupted.  I told them: ” I’m sorry to interrupt, but before we go on, I need to tell you that according to the constitution there is really only one question that I am required to answer — and that is: ” How many people live here?”.  They remained friendly and accepted that without seeming put off at all.  They didn’t tighten up or lose their friendly manner at my remarks so far.  I continued: ” Two people live here. – Me and my wife.”   They wrote something on their clipboards and nodded, taking this remarkably well.

The one asking the questions then asked: “May I have your name?” and I replied politely: ” No, I’m sorry but you may not”.   They were keeping nice and I didn’t want to be unfreindly to them, so I went on to say that my reason for this was That we all need to hold on dearly to the very letter of our constitution if we at all expect to keep our freedom — That with the current state of things we might all find ourselves being locked up for not buying our forced health tax.  Again they nodded.

I have to credit them both, as they really did seem to get it.  They didn’t argue once, or attempt to explain that I should answer.  Just nodded and accepted what I told them, and wrote down my answers.  I thanked them for understanding and wished them both a good day and they left.

So !  It worked for me and I wanted to report my experience.  I hope others will do the same – merely offer the one piece of information you are required to, and no more.

Yes, of course the government and other entities hold all sorts of our personal information already.  But I say — Why don’t we all just start to practice holding on to what is ours and require our various government representatives to follow the straight and narrow ?

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